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Dmails is re-branding! … A story behind

To Blockstack community and all Dmails believers.

Hope each of you had a great weekend. This week you will see a new name and brand for the Dmails. Below I explain why we are changing the name, our story and what we hope the impact will be. Exciting times ahead!

First, why are we changing the name?

A year ago, I started Dmails as a way to Bootstrap my idea about how to solve a real problem on the ground nowadays (Email data leakage and breach) using Blockchain technology in a completely different approach, away from the popping hypes about cryptocurrency and the unstoppable debates on utilizing Blockchain in the world of FinTech.

Days after launching, it was a great sign for me that Dmails boomed from day one, it proved my vision for Dmails. Since May 2019 till the end of the year, Dmails got very high attention, especially from Blockstack community, people looking for the privacy, investors, and Blockchain enthusiasts. I still remember five days after launching our MVP, when we received an email message from a VC based in San Francisco asking for a meeting to discuss an investment opportunity. 

I confess it was shocking. Normally, any startup takes a lot of effort and non-stop work at the very early stage to close the first investment round (the hardest investment round for any startup). I confess also, we were not ready for this at that time.

Over time, our features built up and turned our notion into something broader, which lead to more attention from Dmails followers. December 2019, Dmails has closed the first investment deal with 500 Startups which led our pre-seed investment round.

When we started our company registration process, we discovered that there is a trademark issue with the name “Dmails”, it was the first trigger for the idea of re-branding. Ultimately, we are changing the name because I think the best way to build a brand is to continue to expand the product functionality across business, finance, and technology. We are about to deploy the first release of our platform which will include more than only our Email service, we expanded our horizon to many communication channels forms like messaging chat, voice chat, video chat, calendar and many other services which the user is in a need for, all under one platform that guarantees to him/her the highest privacy and security standard we could deliver up to this moment. This is actually the second reason why we are re-branding.

What will the new name be?

That was the hardest part of the decision. We spent a lot of time thinking through clever possibilities, but eventually selected the simplest thing we could — PRAVICA.
Here is the new logo that you will start to see this week:

Hopefully, everyone likes it.

Finally, I have to give a big shout out to Arsani Boshra, Mina Farouk, Mina Philemon, Mostafa Amr and Mahdi, those guys are incredible behind the scenes and none of this would be possible without them.
Okay — enough information for today. Let me know what you think about the new name and logo.

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We’ll be back at this week with as much great news.